
Bio Kitchen Organic / Demeter Carrots & Peas

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OrganicOrganicKosher OU LogoKosherVegan LogoVeganDemeter LogoDemeter

  • Ingredients: Peas* (38%), Carrots* (33%), water, sea salt.
    *organically grown and from controlled bio-dynamic Demeter farming

    Product weight: 350g

    Bio Kitchen is the name of our premium range of organic and biodynamic staple foods in clear glass jars which are naturally sweet and full of flavour. British Classic, very nutritious, low calorie.

    What is Demeter?

    Demeter Logo

    Since 1927, Demeter has been the trademark for products from certified biodynamic production, a method of organic farming originally developed by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner. He introduced the idea of a holistic farming system based around the phases of the moon, composting and mixing crops with livestock.

    Key features of Demeter farming: The avoidance of synthetic fertilisers - The use of manures and composts - Frequent crop rotations - Avoidance of chemical soil treatments - Measures to strengthen the life processes in the soil - Consideration of celestial and terrestrial influence.

    For more information see our Introduction To Demeter Biodynamic Farming

    Product Code: BK104
  • For an explanation of the claims made above please click here

  • A classic British vegetable combination loved by young and old alike.  Perfect served with nut roast and mash.

    For more recipes please see our recipe page.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Instant Veg

When you havent made time to shop or cook, these jars are a lifesaver. Cooked and preserved by heat alone, they still contain so much flavour and nourishment.
Drain (but kept the water for soup) and add to cooked brown rice for a delicious instant stir fry, or whizz up as a hearty soup.

Nicola Cole
Great clean feeling food

I love the veggies from the bio kitchen range. All the ones we have had have been flavourful and feel clean.

Tim Crowther

It said Carrots and Peas on the label, confirming my expectations about what I could see inside the jar. On opening it and tilting it into a pan it did what it said on the label - carrots and peas came out. I made a quick soup which tasted of carrots and peas. If you like not just carrots but also peas, but haven’t got time to prepare and cook carrots and peas, this Demeter quality product will meet your nutritional and culinary expectations.

Hi Tim, thanks for the great review ;) We don't get many for this product, because as you say, it does what it says on the jar, so we really appreciate you taking the time :)

Jim Madden APW 2419841
Full praise deserved

To be honest, I find it hard to identify a Clearspring product I DON'T like!
Whatever you buy here, trust me, you're eating well! A fabulous range of foods
suitable for so many different cuisines.
I feel able to say this with confidence, having been a health professional for a number of years, involved in
so many cases, where diet and nutrition was a factor!

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