Have You Considered Going Vegan For Easter?

            Have You Considered Going Vegan For Easter? - Clearspring

With a little bit of menu planning it is easy to whip up a tasty vegan Easter meal for the whole family. Rather than focussing on replacing meat, which can be a little of putting for omnivores, focus instead on the best parts of a vegan diet: a plethora of delicious nourishing fruit, vegetables, starches, herbs and grains! To get inspiration you need only to look at the fresh produce of early spring: light leafy greens, beetroot, asparagus, carrots and spring onions to name but a few. Not only will fruit and vegetables taste best when eaten in season but hey will also tend to be best value and better for the planet.

Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

If you are after a spring colour theme try using our bright green Organic Matcha Powder in your cooking or baking it is just perfect for Easter!

Our favourite Vegan Chocolates: Have you discovered these Easter treats yet? Montezuma’s vegan Easter bunnies, Booja Booja vegan truffles or Divine and Moo Free Easter eggs?

So whether you are serving a feast for two or twenty you’ll be surprised at just how easy it is to have a very Happy Vegan Easter!! Make yours a Vegan one this year!