Sweet White Miso Dressing for Salads, Roasts & Dips

            Sweet White Miso Dressing for Salads, Roasts & Dips - Clearspring

Sweet White Miso is a paste which can be used on various dishes both sweet and savoury. Grilled, pan-fried, oven baked or steamed, this paste has a very rich sweet and savoury taste which will bring out the umami in your creations.

Enjoy on its own or in the following dressings:

Mustard Style

Mix all the ingredients in a jar. Served best with
steamed or boiled vegetables.

Fruity French

Mix all the ingredients in a jar. Served best with
leafy salad.

Creamy Balsamic Twist

Mix all the ingredients in a jar. Served best with
pasta salads, grilled or roasted vegetables.


Recipe created by Lisa Dawson

All our recipes are 100% vegan (no meat, fish, dairy, eggs, or gelatine) and refined sugar free