During the 18 years he lived in Japan, Clearspring's founder Christopher Dawson became an expert on miso quality, and the Clearspring range is his selection of the finest traditionally made Japanese miso.
Today we are increasingly hearing terms such as gluten intolerance, wheat allergy and coeliac disease. On top of this, the words wheat and gluten are often used interchangeably too, even though there is a very clear difference between the two substances. So what do they actually mean and how are they different?
Although making a cup of tea may seem like a really simple thing, making a really good cup of tea is an art! We'll talk you through the different steps to make a great cup of tea and help you choose from our Organic Green Tea Range.
Shiitake, Japanese forest mushrooms, are one of the Orient’s most exotic and delicious foods. Shiitake’s delicate, yet wild, woodsy taste adds a gourmet flair to almost any dish.
“The abrupt, searingly tart, tangy, salty taste jolts the eyes open, shakes the stomach awake, sandpapers off any staleness from the taste buds, and gets the day off to an unforgettable start.”
Of the three qualities of soya sauce you can find on shop shelves, Clearspring traditionally craft-made soya sauce is the highest quality available. The other two qualities are naturally brewed soya sauce and non-brewed soya sauce.
For the Zen Buddhist, the ritual of cooking the daily meal is a true expression of their religious discipline, and that is how shojin ryori got its name, which means ‘to progress the spirit'.