Core Product Criteria

Clearspring’s Core Product Criteria

  • 100% Vegan as defined by the UK Vegan Society – the manufacture of the product and its ingredients must not involve or have involved the use of any animal product, by-product or derivative. The potential cross-contamination with animal derived products (including meat, eggs, milk, fish, crustaceans, molluscs and their derivatives) is effectively controlled during production, storage and in the raw materials.
  • Certified organic, conforming to EU regulations and the UK Soil Association’s standards (with the exception of a selection of sea vegetables, products that are out of scope (sea salt and nigari) and traditional Japanese foods that are not available organic).
  • Authentic and traditional foods that respect sustainable Food Heritage
  • Free from ingredients or materials derived from GMOs (including processing aids and packaging).
  • Free from added refined sugars; specifically free from cane, beet and agave sugars.
  • No palm oil.
  • Free from refined salt (all organically certified products).
  • Free from chemical additives including flavour enhancers, anti-caking agents, and colourings.
  • With a focus on whole grain use in our recipes.
  • Free from ingredients and materials known to be damaging to the local environment (flora and fauna), e.g. soya beans from primary rainforest areas.
  • Grown and processed with respect to local communities and in compliance with international laws and conventions on human rights, working conditions and anti-corruption.