Raspberry Kanten

            Raspberry Kanten - Clearspring

This light and tangy kanten jelly makes the perfect dessert to follow a filling meal. It is great to cool down with in the summer months.

Serves 4



  1. Bring apple juice and agar flakes to the boil with the sea salt.
  2. Simmer gently for 10-15 minutes until all the agar flakes have dissolved. You will know that it has dissolved by dipping a spoon into the apple juice and agar mixture, if the spoon comes out clear, it is ready. It is not ready if you can see little flakes of agar on the spoon. 
  3. Place raspberries in a serving dish and pour the hot liquid over the raspberries.
  4. Allow to cool naturally or in a fridge.
  5. You can eat it as it is or drizzle with a little bit of rice milk sweetened with rice malt syrup or raspberry sauce.


Marijke de Coninck

Marijke De Coninck is Co Director of the International Macrobiotic School. She works as a Macrobiotic teacher, Life Counsellor and Cook in the UK and in Belgium. Her children are running a thriving macrobiotic restaurant in Ghent.

Together with her partner Oliver she is training people to become Macrobiotic Life Counsellors, Cooks and Healing Cooks in an in depth and innovative three year course.

Marijke is a sought after counsellor in the UK and abroad. She is very well known for her unique way of counselling.

For more information: 
Her restaurant
Her blog